The Attendance report is found within your GreeneDesk reporting menu.

Start by selecting the date range from where you wish to review. Typically, it will default to the current month.

There are several filters that you can choose from. You may choose the levels, class teachers, class types,   class days and times that you want to check.

After choosing the date range and filters you want, just click show report.

The Attendance report will show the Student’s Names, Class, Levels, Start time, Day, Parent’s Names, parent's contact details and Emails.

In this section you can also see the total number of present, absence and not marked.

Students with consecutive absences

Additional feature is being able to check students with consecutive absences for number or days.

It will refine the list to the number of days that you choose.

Export Attendance Report:

You can export the data in an excel and pdf file. Just click on the areas encircled below.

Make sure to enable flash to be able to export the data.

You can then choose to export it through PDF or excel.