Below are some frequently asked questions about the Data Sync Integration for SwimDesk.
Exactly what fields of data are mandatory. And which do we not need to send?
Some fields can be left out. The main ones we need are below.
“StuSurname” - Student Surname is mandatory field, Maximum 50 Characters allowed.
“StuGivenNames” - Student Given Name is mandatory field, Maximum 50 Characters allowed.
“StudID” - Student ID is mandatory field, must be Unique and Maximum 20 Characters allowed.
“StudentCustID” - Student Cust ID is not mandatory, Maximum 20 characters allowed
“LessonDay” - Lesson Day is mandatory field, Day must like (Mon or Monday) numbers not allowed.
“LessonTime” - Lesson Time is mandatory field, Time Format must be 10:30AM or 10:30PM
“LessonLevel” - Lesson Level is mandatory field.
“Area” - Pool is mandatory field, ex. Outdoor Pool, Indoor Pool or Class room1.
“TeachSurname” - Teacher Surname is mandatory field, Maximum 50 Characters allowed.
“TeachGivenNames” - Teacher Given Name is mandatory field, Maximum 50 Characters allowed.
“StuBookStartDate” - Student Book Start Date is mandatory field, Date format is “21/12/2019” or “21 Dec 2019”. Include time will not accept.
“RPSurname” - Responsible Person Surname is mandatory field, Maximum 50 Characters allowed.
“RPGivenNames” - Responsible Person Given Name is mandatory field, Maximum 50 Characters allowed.
“RPID” - Responsible Person ID is Not mandatory. If given it must be unique
“RPAddress” - Responsible Person Address is not mandatory
“RPSuburb” - Responsible Person Suburb is not mandatory
“RPPostcode” - Responsible Person Postcode is mandatory. Given value must be a numbers, alphabets and special characters will not allow. Maximum 10 numbers allowed.
“RPHomePhone” - Responsible Person Home Phone is not mandatory. Only Numbers are allowed.
“RPWorkPhone” - Responsible Person Work Phone is not mandatory. Only Numbers are allowed.
“RPMobilePhone” - Responsible Person Mobile Phone is not mandatory. Only Numbers are allowed.
“RPEmail” - Responsible Person Email is mandatory. Maximum 250 charters allowed.
“RPState” - Responsible Person State is not mandatory
“StuGender” - Student Gender is not mandatory. Format like “M”,” F”.
“StuDateOfBirth” - Student Date of Birth is not mandatory field, Date format is “21/12/2019” or “21 Dec 2019”. Include time will not accept.
“StuAge” - Student Age is not mandatory field, only Numbers allowed.
Greenedesk allowed only .CSV file format.
Other fields like the address of home phone are not required and can be omitted.
Should the data include new students only?
No, the file should contain all ACTIVE students (actively booked into a class) for the entire week.
Any special formatting and/or cleansing considerations for any of the fields (e.g. Date fields… Do you want them as dd/mm/yyyy or yyyymmdd or ddmmyyyy or dd-mmm-yyyy or other. Monetary fields? E.g. to contain padded leading zeroes? Or not? Implied decimals or to include decimal point? etc)
Date fields must be dd/mm/yyyy and time must be hh:mm am/pm
The day column should have the full day- Eg Monday rather than MON
Any special field length limits?
50 characters are the maximum
Is the first row in the file to be a header row?. Containing field labels? Or not?
Yes, the first row needs headers and should contain labels.
Can some data fields be left blank?
All mandatory fields require data. It cannot be blank or have NULL.
How frequently should the file be placed?
It's best to ask the swim school. Some of our centres have every 30 min. Some twice per day.
Do we send a new file each time?
The file on your end should be set to overwrite the same file again and again.
What date should the file data be based on?
The file should be based on classes as of the current day.