Once you have created your school’s account and established sessions, the next step is to add students. You can sit back here and let the school or parents do the work if you desire.

The school can pass on an enrolment link to parents which they can fill out. The advantage of this is that it can include a specific enrolment questionnaire that helps you automatically have a “recommended level” assigned to each student.

This will make your job of assigning new students into your starting classes much easier.

You can monitor how many parents have filled in their form by looking at the student lists for a school.

A secondary option is for the school to upload student data. They can do this in the form of a simple spreadsheet with student names and grade information. This allows them to quickly upload students into the program so you can start creating and assigning classes.

Alternatively, the school may provide you with a spreadsheet which you can upload via the upload section within the school page.