In your SwimDesk class view, the assessment marking drop downs are important for communicating progress to parents.

Eg. Introduced, progressing, competent.

Occasionally, you may wish to change or update your assessment marking drop downs.

This can be done only via GreeneDesk support.

However, before you request changes to your marking drop downs it is important to consider the implications.

If you change the wording of a current drop down, this will change the history and current marking for all children with that marking. Therefore it is important to make changes to the wording that roughly convey the same outcome to existing skills.

There is also a max of 4 skill options and a bonus 5th (excelled)

4 always represent the skill as being complete, therefore, any changes and additions must come under 1,2 or 3.

If you would like to update your assessment marking drop downs please contact