Swim Desk online parent portal is a wonderful tool to improve communications with the parents of your students enrolled in swimming lessons. 

Parents are given generic login details and login URL information within the assessment emails sent after every time their child is assessed. Parents can adjust and personalise their username and password once they log into the system via the profile link in the top right hand corner of the site.

When parents log in to the system they will see a summary of their child’s class and teacher, as well as a number of menu options on the left side panel.

The first thing visible on the portal will be the students most recent assessment results. Parents will be able to see all skill levels a child has been working on as well as the rating their child has received for each of these skills. 

The parent portal also includes a certificate download link which becomes available once students’ progress from their current level. The certificate automatically embeds the students name, teacher’s name and completion date and can be printed at home by the parent as soon as they receive the progression email.