The email report is found within your GreeneDesk reporting menu.

Start by selecting the date range from where you wish to review email activity.

Each email will be sorted by subject line. This may represent an individual email, bulk email or email automation within GreeneDesk.

The next column is emails initiated- This represents the number of email addresses GreeneDesk was prompted to send the email to

The following column- Emails Not Sent, reflects the number of emails that were removed before the emails were sent out. An example is that a contact subscribed previously and therefore should not be sent any emails.

Emails sent- This reflects the total number of emails sent to contacts

Delivered- This reflects the total number of emails successfully delivered.

Opened- This reflects the total number of emails opened by contacts that received the email.

Bounced- Bounced reflects the number of emails that bounced. This may be due to an incorrect email address or strong security settings

Email un-sub- This column reflects the total number of contacts to unsubscribe from that specific email broadcast or automation

For each email that contains bounced and unsubscribed email contacts, a green plus button will show on the left of the email subject. Click this open to view the contacts and their status. This section will also highlight any contacts that were skipped (email not sent) due to previously un-subscribing.