Below is an overview of the key functionality and skill competencies sales consultants need to use SalesDesk effectively.

Getting started

You will be provided with a username and password by your manager.

Log in using your user credentials at

We recommend you use maintained web browsers such as google chrome and Safari (For Apple devices). Avoid unsupported browsers such as internet explorer as they can cause compatibility issues.

Use google chrome

Lead capture

Leads can flow into SalesDesk from multiple channels. 

These include "walk in" "phone" from website forms, from Facebook forms etc.

To add a lead into SalesDesk select the appropriate contact method from the options provided.

You will then be presented with further options for the type of lead- Ie. Is the lead relating to health club membership or learn to swim. Select the appropriate option for the lead.

Fill in the lead form details and save to record the lead and create a lead profile.

Some leads will flow into SalesDesk automatically from digital forms such as enquiry or trial forms on your website or social media channels. In such cases, you can pick up these leads and start working with them straight away. 

NOTE: It is good practice to search a lead before adding a new enquiry to check if their contact details already exist in the database. For example, a lead may have come in via a website enquiry and later that day they decide to drop into the centre "walk in". If you add them as a walk in, this will create a duplicate record so be sure to make a habit of searching leads before moving forward with adding them as a new enquiry.

Lead list 

The lead list feature is available in the main menu panel

The lead list will list all active leads entered into the database over the past 30 days.

The list DOES NOT contain leads who have successfully been converted to a membership only leads added in the last 30 days who have yet to be converted.

By clicking the plus button on the top panel of the lead list you can open a range of data filters including date rage (if you wish to look at your active leads over a longer or shorter time period", contact method, lead source and lead stage. These filters can be useful to analyse and isolate various segments of your active leads.

Within the lead list, you will see each active lead listed with details include their phone number, their "lead owner" (who is currently responsible for that lead" what membership type or program they're interested in and the date the lead was created.

The lead list view is designed to give you a quick snap-shot of which leads are active opportunities.

For each lead, you can click on their name to enter their "lead profile" which contains more detailed information about the lead including communication history. 

Alternatively, you can use the preview option by using the + button to quickly preview key information about each lead in the lead list without going in and out of each profile.

Booking sales appointments

Once a lead has been captured, often the next logical step is to attempt to get the lead into the facility for a tour or discussion about their needs.

You can use the sales calendar features to keep track of your booked tours and other sales related appointments.

If you click on the calendar option in your main menu you will be presented with various sales calendar options. This will often depend on your centre and which services you are offering. You may have a single sales calendar or multiple sales calendars for different services such as health club and swimming lessons.

Swimming lesson sales bookings will typically be handled through the LTS sales calendar

Health club sales bookings will typically be handled through the MC sales calendar

You will also see a gym calendar option which is for management of gym appointments post conversion of a lead to a member. This option should not be used during the sales process until after conversion.

Within the sales calendar, the first step is to locate the lead you wish to book by searching in the locate lead box.

Next, click on a suitably available time slot (represented by the grey shading) 

Follow the prompts to select the appropriate type of appointment, the sales consultant who will be taking the appointment (it will only show those rostered on at that time) and any additional notes.

Complete the process by clicking the book button.

The appointment will appear on the calendar as a booking tile. The tile will be colour coded to represent specific types of appointments.

By clicking on the appointment tile, you will be provided with additional options including an option to re-schedule to another time, or record the end result of the appointment (completed/cancelled/no show)

All appointment activity is recorded on the leads profile. 

Sales related bookings can also be made from other points within SalesDesk including the phone scripts and walk in contact forms.

Managing Leads

Searching for leads

You can search leads via name and other contact information via the lead search feature on the home screen. 

Viewing activity

You can view the sales activity for each lead via the lead profile. This includes all modes of communication including emails, SMS, phone calls and appointments. 

Closing leads

Closing a lead represents converting them from a lead into a member. 

This can be done quickly and easily via the lead profile or the lead preview on the lead list.

To convert a lead to a member you need to change their "stage" to close. Be sure to then click the update button to confirm. 

You will receive an alert message confirming the successful conversion of the lead to a member.

The stage on the lead profile will then read "closed" and some next steps will become available such as booking in a health club appointment (depending on the type of lead being converted)

A closed lead will no longer be visible on the lead list and will now be shown in the closed leads list.

You can view all closed leads for a specific time period by using the closed leads report in the reporting menu.

Trial management 

Using SalesDesk you can track trial passes or trial periods for prospects.

To set up a trial, on the profile of the lead go to the edit section in the top right hand corner of the profile.

By checking the trial pass ticK box you will be presented with some additional options include a trial start and end date.

Enter the start and end date and save and exit to update the information.

After a trial is set up, the trial period information will show on the profile of the lead, and next to their details in the lead list and search feature.


The action feature of SalesDesk helps you stay organised with follow up that will lead to the better conversion of your membership opportunities.

The action feature is broken down into upcoming actions (shows actions due in the next 3 days) and overdue actions (actions whose due date has passed)

Taking Actions

You can take actions by clicking the action button relating to each action. The action type may be a phone call, email, or another mode of contact.

Once you select to take the action you will be presented with options relating to the outcome of taking the action. 

For example, if the person did not answer, or you left a voice message you can record the outcome and press save. 

If you spoke to the lead you can use the spoke to option and record  additional notes in the notes field below.

Re-scheduling an action

If an action cannot be completed. Ie, the contact did not answer, It is best practice to use the re-schedule feature to re-schedule that action for a future date.


If you need further information about any SalesDesk functionality, consider looking into the knowledge base feature which includes a number of articles and feature guides. The knowledge base is available in the menu panel of your login.

If you have any questions or need technical assistance you can contact GreeneDesk support via email at