FitDesk Training Fundamentals

There are 5 core competencies to learn to master the functionality of FitDesk.

1. Bookings

2. Fitness assessments

3. Workout program creation and management 

4. Workout program delivery

5. Retention Actions

1. Bookings

In the main menu click on Gym Calendar.

To book an appointment, you must first locate a member. If a member doesn't exist, you can manually add them by using the add member button at the top of the calendar.

Once you locate the member, a preview of their profile will show at the top of the calendar.

You can then select an available time on the calendar (Look for grey space).

Once you click on an available time slot, it will prompt you to select the type of appointment, an available trainer and record notes (optional)

Press BOOK to confirm the appointment.

Appointment outcomes

By clicking on the appointment block, you can record the outcome of the appointment. (Options include, completed, no show, cancelled and reschedule)

My calendar shows just your availability. You can also book anywhere on your calendar. (Outside of your availability)

2. Fitness Consultations

Within your trainer login, you can start a fitness consultation for a specific member by clicking the green +evaluation button under a member in the "upcoming appointments" section.

Click through the pages by selecting next while entering the appropriate data on each page. Be sure to utilise the note options to record more detailed 


You can also commence a Fitness consultation or edit existing information on the members profile by clicking on the member and selecting "evaluation details"

3. Workout program management

To build a workout program for a member, you must first enter a members profile by searching for the member.

Click on the "manage workout" button to open the workout creator.

If the member does not have a program on their file, you will be provided with two options. 1. Select a template. 2. Create a program from scratch.

If you select a template, you can adjust and customise that template specifically for the selected member. 

If you wish to create a program from scratch, name the workout and continue.

Click the green arrow at the end of a day to open the workout day creator.

Within the day creator, start by selecting exercises, then you can apply global changes to sets, reps and rest. Or you can adjust the variables of each exercise one by one. You can utilise the add note feature to add notes for specific exercises as well as add blocks of notes not linked to an exercise.

Use the drag and drop functionality to change the order of exercises quickly.

4. Workout program delivery

There are multiple options to deliver workouts members. 

For less tech-savvy members you can use the print option and select from the available print formats.

You can also log into the members portal directly on a tablet or smart phone. 

Using a tablet, you can enter directly into the members portal view to enter starting weights by entering your password as a security check at the top of the members workout. 

Within the member's portal, click on the +WORKOUT button to enter the workout view.

5. Actions

Actions are reminders and tasks such as re-assessment reminders or a reminder to check in with a specific member.

You can view any scheduled or overdue actions via the actions summary on the trainer home screen.

Customer support

If you have any questions or require assistance you can contact GreeneDesk software support at