If you are experiencing difficulties with your FitDesk kiosk printer the troubleshooting strategies outlined below will most likely assist you in resolving the issue.

Turn on and off

If your printer is not printing the first troubleshooting option is to turn the printer off and then back on.

Assure your printer is in ready mode

If you have turned your printer off and back on again and the problem persists check to see if your printer is set to ready mode. On the top surface of your printer there is a small screen that should read ready when they printer is clear and ready to print. If the screen does not read ready you can reset the printer by pressing the button with a tick symbol found directly below the small screen.

Printer jam

Another possible cause of printer non-function is a printer jam. Like all printers, from time to time the GreeneDesk kiosk printer can experience a paper jam. If the printer is not functioning and you have attempted the strategies above it is highly likely that there is some form of paper jam inside the printer. To remove the jam you can open the front of the printer by pressing two small buttons on the outside of each side of the printer simultaneously. After opening the front panel of the printer you should be able to see any obstruction inside the printer. To look deeper into the printer you can carefully remove the printer cartridge by pulling the cartridge handle.
If none of the troubleshooting strategies provided above are successful please contact MobileFit support on 1300 181 665

Ordering Print Cartridges

Please note that it is your responsibility to order ink cartridges for your kiosk printer.

Wait time for cartridge delivery can be up to 10 days; therefore we suggest that you keep 1-2 cartridges in stock to avoid downtime.

To order cartridges please contact Dell Australia on 1 300 733 353. The kiosk printer model is 2350dn.