Our December 2017 release includes two new features.

FitDesk roster shift changes

The FitDesk shift change feature allows you to quickly and easily manage shift changes on the roster.

If you have shift changes you may wish to swap the trainer taking the shift.

To do this go to the trainer roster.

You will notice a green tick at the bottom of each shift. Click on this to open up the shift change settings

Choose the trainer you wish to swap into the shift and click YES

This will automatically swap the trainer in the roster AND, change all appointments in that shift for that trainer to the new replacement trainer. 

Opening the member portal via the workout creator

When creating a workout for the member, you can now launch directly into the member portal via the workout creator.

This will help save time when showing the member how the member portal works. You may even use this to quickly have the member personalise their login.

To open the member portal from the workout creator simply enter (YOUR) own password as a security check. It will then present the members temporary username and password and provide a button to launch into the portal for that member.

Please note, this functionality is only available for the member until they have personalised their login credentials.