Your club can add new exercises to your exercise database within FitDesk

To manage your clubs exercise database go to the Fitness menu and select the exercises link.

There are several ways you can manage your exercise database. 

These options are summarised below.

Add an exercise to your clubs database from the GreeneDesk master database
Add a new strength exercise
Add a new cardio exercise
Add a new group fitness class

Add an exercise to your clubs database from the GreeneDesk master database

To add a new exercise to your clubs database from the GreeneDesk master database click on the strength tab within your exercises management page and click the tick box called “Show all exercises in GreeneDesk”. 

This will list all strength exercises available on the master database (Over 3000 exercises). 

You can use this list to pick and choose exercises that you would like to add to your facility by using the "add to facility button". 

Exercises currently already available on your clubs database will be marked as “Added to the facility” those exercises not on the database are marked with a button called “Add to my facility” which allows you to add the exercise to your clubs database.

There is also an option to remove any exercises that are not wanted in your database.

This functionality also applies for group fitness and cardio exercises. By selecting the group fitness or cardio tab you can browse all options for these categories within the master database and add them to your clubs database.

Add a new strength exercise

To upload a new strength exercise to your clubs exercise database go to exercises link within the fitness menu and click on the + strength button. To add a new strength exercise simply name the exercise, select the appropriate body part, determine if the exercise is measured by repetitions or time and add an image for the exercise. We recommend cutting out the background for images to ensure the picture is clearly visible on the system. This can also be achieved by taking photos against a white wall or background.

Add a new cardio exercise

To upload a new cardio exercise select the + cardio option within the exercise management section of GreeneDesk. You will be required to name your new cardio exercise, select variable input options and add an appropriate image for the exercise.

Add a new group fitness class

To update a new group fitness class select the + group fitness option and follow the inputs to add your new class.