Follow up scheduling

Follow up scheduling allows your club to set member follow up rules which
automatically set tasks for your gym instructors to complete. Tasks may include
follow up phone calls; follow up emails or following up members for appointments.
Below are some recommended follow up rules that your club can use to strengthen
your member follow up process

• 7 day member personalised email
• 45 day encouragement/recognition email

To set a rule, go to the settings menu of your Fitness director log in and click on edit

To add a new action click the add action rule button

Enter the name of your action, the mode of action (eg. Phone call, email,
appointment), the owner of the action (eg, trainers) the number of days before or
after the trigger and the trigger event.

The trigger will generally be after an appointment is completed.

Here is an example of an action rule>

7 day member email- (A personalised email from a gym instructor to check in on a
member after one week)

Name- 7 day new member email

Mode- Email
Action owner- Personal trainer

Days- 7 after

Triggering- Appointment status completed-(Health planning session)

Setting the above rule will cause an action task to be generated every time the
necessary conditions are met.

Action tasks appear in each trainer action list which can be found under the actions
link of their login menu.

Within the actions section there is a section for upcoming actions (due in the
immediate future and an overdue actions section for action tasks whose due date
has been passed.

When an action is completed by a trainer it is removed from the action list which
helps keep the trainer organised with only relevant actions remaining on the list. All
completed actions are summarised within the trainer action report within the
reporting menu.

For questions about the follow up scheduling feature, please email or contact your account manager.