The settings menu within your GreeneDesk Fitness Director dashboard allows you to control your centres system settings and preferences.

The trainer roster section allows you to establish and update your gym trainer roster. The roster forms the foundation of the GreeneDesk booking system

To set your trainers availability click on a trainers name on the side trainer panel and drag and drop the trainer onto the calendar. You can extend the availability time by clicking on the bottom a trainer’s availability and dragging your mouse down to the desired shift end time.

Repeat the process until your entre gym bookings roster is up to date.

Copy this week feature

The “copy this week” feature allows you to build a week’s roster and then create an identical copy of the week that can be pasted into the next week. This allows you to cut down the time it takes to build your roster each month as you can quick copy one week and paste it into another and then make any necessary adjustments if necessary.