The Trainer appointment usages shows the trainer available times, appointments completed and appointments with no shows. This gives the management an overview of how the trainers are utilized and the completion rates of appointments. them. This trainer usage report also provides you with data on which staff members complete the most amount of shift time.

The trainer usage report can be used to help you make informed decisions about your gym floor staffing requirements on a month to month basis.
For example if your club had 484 available appointment hours for the month and had 177 completed hours and 52 no show hours your appointment occupancy would be 229/484 or 47.3%.

When your occupancy rate is greater than 80% this is a good sign that you may need to consider adding more available hours to your roster.

When your occupancy rate is less than 40% this a sign that you may be over staffed and can reduce the number of available appointment hours.

Please note- The report will only show the first 10 staff members as a default. Please select a higher number on the show entries drop down menu if you have more than 10 staff members to analyse.