More advanced users may wish to record additional exercises when entering their resistance training feedback.

For example, if an experienced member decides they are going to complete 3 sets of pushups as some additional training and this exercise has not been prescribed by their trainer in their workout program they have the option of recording this additional training in their training diary.

To record additional non prescribed exercises the member can click the add exercise button within the Track Workout section of the members kiosk.

The add exercise button will open a search exercise page where a member can use filters to search for the exercise they wish to add to their program. The member can filter different body parts and exercise types and can even type key words directly into the search bar to locate the exercise they are looking for.

To add the desired exercise into the members program simply click on the image of the exercise. The page will then re-load back to the track workout section with the added exercise now in the exercise list. You can then enter the number of sets, reps and weight for that exercise.

Please note- Any exercises a member adds to their recorded workout will not appear on their workout the next time they access their program. GreeneDesk has been structured this way for liability reasons to ensure that members only perform exercises that have been recommended by a qualified trainer and that if they wish to perform other exercises within the gym then they do so at their own risk.

If a member wishes to have a non-prescribed exercise added to their program permanently they must ask you as their trainer to add this to their workout via the workout creator.