Messaging Centre
Green Mail has been designed to make it quick and easy for both trainers and managers to manage their communication with members.
A user can reach Green Mail by either clicking on the menu item or the notification at the right top corner of the dashboard. If there are new messages or notifications, the icon will show the number of new items.
The menu for Messages l is listed below.
New Messages: This menu item shows only the new messages which are unread. Once a message is read, the message shall move from this folder.
Inbox: All the messages which have come whether they are read or unread shall lie in this folder. The Inbox folder is very dynamic. The messages are sortable by date & time, from, subject. Also, messages can be searched by typing in the search box. The user can also choose one or many messages and delete or mark as unread.
Compose: Click this menu option to send a message. There are restrictions put in place to filter who can send to whom. The manager is allowed to send to any member, student, and any staff. Use the locate users section to search for one or many members and compose your message.
Compose- List: The compose list option allows you to send a bulk email to different user groups within the facility. Bulk email options include, all members, no message past 30 days, no appointment past 30 days, no workouts in first two weeks, critical members, graduated members and many more.
Sent Messages: The sent message section contains a user’s sent messages. If a bulk message is sent, the message will show a number in brackets which represents the number of members the message was sent to.