To open your bookings page select the gym bookings link in the Calendars menu on your management or front desk login.


The bookings page will clearly highlight available booking times based on the facilities gym team roster (this is set up through the management login). Available times are highlighted with a dark grey shade, you can also “mouse over” each time slot to see the specific available trainers for that time slot.


If a time slot has no availability there will be no shading present.
When all available trainers have been booked out, the time slot will become red to represent that appointments can no longer be booked in that timeslot.
Making an appointment

To make an appointment with an existing member you must first locate the member via the search option above the calendar.


If the member is new to the facility you will be required to register the member with some basic details.
Select “Add New Member” if the member is new to the facility and not present on your GreeneDesk database.


Upon entering the members basic information please select “save and go to booking” to proceed with making the booking.


To book an appointment for the selected member, first establish a suitable free time spot.


Click on your desired time slot and an appointment details box will open where you can select the appropriate appointment type, the preferred trainer 

(if more than 1 trainer is available) and any additional notes that you would like to link to the appointment.


To finalize the appointment click book and the page will re load back to the booking page where you can view the appointment.

A confirmation email will be sent to the members nominated email address automatically and a confirmation SMS will also be sent to the members nominated mobile phone number.

Please note- SMS appointment reminders require an SMS account to be set up. If you would like to set up a SMS account please contact your GreeneDesk account manager.

If you need further assistance please call GreeneDesk Support on 1300 181 665